Chapter 1

About Miracle of love.

MoL is a spiritual organization revolving around a charismatic leader named Kalindi.  Kalindi passed away in April 2010. See my post about it. The philosophy of this group is a mixture of Christian beliefs, Hindu beliefs such as reincarnation and a psychological awareness exercise coming from the new age movement.
The group originated in the beginning of the nineties in San Diego, California, around a man who supposedly was an Incarnation of God. The incarnation, ‘Lord Gourasana’, who had taken over the body of David Swanson, knew how to help the people “to break free from the bondage of life and death and guide them straight to God, Home to the Father”.
After Gourasana died, allegedly because “he couldn’t handle God’s energy”, his wife Kalindi took over the leadership of the cult, and professed to be the “Voice of God”. At her side is another woman called The Lady who is supposed to keep the “purity of the organization” and "to teach the world to pray". Continuinig down the ranks you can observe a hierarchy of self-proclaimed, self made pseudo leaders.

In the beginning years of the Miracle of love "mission", called by the faithful members, we can find many sannyasin, who disappointed about the premature departure from Osho helped Kalindi to build her empire. Used as they were in building "paradise into the desert", disco and restaurants in Germany, and commune all over the world, some of them/us still believed in making an utopia come true and did not give up the dream to have a pure spiritual master who could take us to enlightenment. That was exactly the kind of energy Kalindi needed to have around her to create her kingdom.

Although many of Osho's sannyasins were involved in the beginning, the origin of Miracle of Love has no connection with Bhagwan. Not at all!

Miracle of Love is altogether another story, though David Swanson -later known as the Incarnation Gourasana- took many meditation techniques from Osho and from other groups such as Self-Mastery seminars, and applied them to his own emotional cathartic meditation, the GMP. I will talk more about the "Gourasana Meditation Practice"  in the following chapters.

The main way to attract and recruit new people was and still is the ‘Miracle of Love (in short MoL) Intensive’. This is a six-day seminar, a typical 'Large Group Awareness Training', LGAT. Rather than what MoL propagates, it is not unique, but a well-known process. See The Awareness Pages for a detailed description of how LGATs work. (note that the original site is now offline, this is a link via

In this MoL seminar participants are confronted, using confessional techniques and meditations with much crying and screaming. It is sold by MoL as the best thing in the world for self-awareness and spiritual advancement. Ironically, it is also the first place where the indoctrination process starts and awareness is halted. At the end of the exhausting experience, the MoL belief system (Gourasana as an incarnation of God, Kalindi as the voice of God, the Gourasana Meditation Practice, etc.) is introduced to the participants. By then, they are highly vulnerable, and some participants become “believers” and stay in the group.

I was one of them and stayed 8 years with Miracle of love.

See also:
The goose is out - first article by me, posted on the Rick Ross website
A warning on Miracle of Love

Miracle of love - official website

1 comment:

  1. Milena,

    Be true to yourself and do not allow any phenomena in this world to kill your own thought process . Your thought is the only manifestation that you are living . Greetings. Bal
